Figures of the book "Discovery - Explore behaviour using examples"

Chapter 1 - What is BDD?

Classic workflow
Figure 1 - Agile mini-waterfall
BDD workflow
Figure 2 - Scenarios link requirements to software
TDD cycle
Figure 3 - The TDD cycle
BDD cycle
Figure 4 - The BDD cycle
Gutter things
Gutter "things"
What is BDD?
Figure 5 - BDD practices

Chapter 2 - Structured conversation

Story with cards
Figure 6 - Story card on the table
First example card
Figure 7 - The first example card
State diagram
Figure 8 - State diagram of pizza process
Corrected first example
Figure 9 - The corrected example card (changes underlined)
First rule
Figure 10 - First rule in the example map
Second example card
Figure 11 - The second example card
Counter example
Figure 12 - A counter example and a question
Third example
Figure 13 - The third example card
Example map
Figure 14 - The final example map

Chapter 3 - What is an example?

Context Action Outcome
Figure 15 - Anatomy of an example
Rule card
Figure 16 - Address change rule
State diagram
Figure 17 - Order states
Two examples
Figure 18 - Examples for the address change rule
Positive example
Figure 19 - Positive example of the order state rule
Positive example
Figure 20 - Positive example of the valid address rule

Chapter 4 - Who does what and when

BDD workflow
Figure 21 - High level BDD approach
BDD process
Figure 22 - Tasks and activities in the BDD approach
Figure 23 - Example map in Google Sheets
Mind map
Figure 24 - Example map in mind map form
One Note
Figure 25 - Example map in a form of hierarchical notes